Empowered Business Insurance Quotes
Why work with Karstens Financial for your business insurance needs?
- Insurance Advisor willing to walk you through your policies and claims
- Fast turn around time with certificates of insurance
- One Insurance Certificate for all your policies and one simple support email address
- We work with over 150 different insurance companies
- Our primary business practice is business insurance
- Knowledge! Jake Karstens our founder has 20 years of insurance
- Simple quoting process
- Communication (Text, Email, Phone, Fax we use them all)
Here are some of the types of business insurance we provide;
General Liability Insurance: Comprehensive general liability insurance is also necessary for your small
business if you plan on having clients or customers at your home. Whether you hold meetings, sell merchandise, or have members of the public enter your home for any other reason. This insurance will protect you if someone is injured on your property. The insurance will also pay for your legal defense should you face a lawsuit.
would need. Often, BOP’s will include business interruption insurance, property insurance, vehicle coverage, liability insurance, and crime insurance . Based on your company’s specific needs, you can alter what is included in a BOP. Typically, a business owner will save money by choosing a BOP because the bundle of services often costs less than the total cost of all the individual coverage’s.
Business Property Insurance: Business property insurance protects you against loss of inventory or
equipment in a flood, fire or other disaster.
Property Insurance: Our specialty, Schedule Dwelling Fire program (Scheduled Block Policy) is designed as a solution for landlord, vacant, dwelling fire, commercial(apartment & mix use buildings). This program puts all of your properties on one policy with monthly billing, monthly statement and reporting. Our broad underwriting accepts a wide range of customers, from customers or homes that may not qualify with other carriers all the way up to standard and preferred.
Business Interruption Insurance: Business interruption insurance will help your business recover from natural disasters, cover you for income lost during the disaster and will pay for operating expenses that
continue to accrue.Commercial Auto Insurance; Commercial auto insurance protects a company’s vehicles. You can
protect vehicles that carry employees, products or equipment. With commercial auto insurance you
can insure your work cars, SUVs, vans and trucks from damage and collisions. If you do not have
company vehicles, but employees drive their own cars on company business you should have
non-owned auto liability to protect the company in case the employee does not have insurance or
has inadequate coverage. Many times the non-owned can be added to the BOP policy.
Workers’ Compensation: This is vital if you plan on having employees working out of your home.
Without workers’ compensation, you will be responsible for any medical expenses arising from
injuries employees sustain while working for you.
Professional Liability: this type of insurance is also known as Errors and Omissions Insurance. The
policy provides defense and damages for failure to or improperly rendering professional services.
Your general liability policy does not provide this protection, so it is important to understand the difference.
Professional liability insurance is applicable for any professional firm including lawyers, accountants,
consultants, notaries, real estate agents, insurance agents, hair salons and technology providers to name a few..
Directors and Officers: this type of business insurance protects the directors and officers of a company against
their actions that affect the profitability or operations of the company. If a director or officer of your company, as a
direct result of their actions on the job, finds him or herself in a legal situation, this type of insurance
can cover costs or damages lost as a result of a lawsuit.
Cyber Liability Insurance or Data Breach: If the business stores sensitive or non-public information
about employees or clients on their computers, servers or in paper files they are responsible for protecting
that information. If a breach occurs either electronically or from a paper file a Data Breach policy
will provide protection against the loss.Employee benefit Insurance
Disability Insurance: Disability insurance will guarantee some income, should you suddenly become
unable to work because of injury or illness.
Life Insurance: Life insurance will help ensure that your family has the funds it needs should you
meet with an untimely death. Some lenders require that you have life insurance before they issue a loan.
Health Insurance: Group insurance’ is a business insurance that covers a group of people, usually who are
the members of societies, employees of a common employer, or professionals in a common group.
Group coverage can help reduce the problem of adverse selection by creating a pool of people eligible to
purchase insurance who belong to the group for reasons other than for the purposes of obtaining insurance.
In other words, people belong to the group not because they possess some high-risk factor which makes
them more apt to purchase insurance (thus increasing adverse selection); instead they are in the group for reasons unrelated to insurance, such as all working for a particular employer.

Oak Brook, IL 60523
United States