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Auto Insurance
With auto insurance you protect yourself from financial burden in a car accident, car damage, theft of car, damage to others, medical coverage for other person’s medical bills. Auto insurance also covers vandalism to your car, natural disasters, medical coverage to your passengers if they get injured in the accident.
Auto insurance has different parts of coverage such as liability insurance, this covers you when you cause the accident, and it helps you cover the other persons repairs and medical bills in case the other person sustained injuries. Auto insurance covers collision coverage which protects your vehicle. If your vehicle or car was damaged in an accident. This part of the insurance will pay for the repairs of the vehicle.

Health Insurance
Health insurance covers unexpected costs that can incur when least expected. It provides medical treatment without having to pay the full upfront cost of the treatment. Health insurance covers not just illnesses but also prevention to ensure one can stay healthy. Preventive care helps the insurance capture or detect health issues early on and prevents diseases from becoming chronic that can increase cost of care.

Home Insurance
Home insurance removes the burden of repairs to your home if there was unexpected damage. It also protects you when someone sustains injuries while on your property. This is the liability part of the insurance and provides medical payments for the injured. With home insurance you also have the security of your belongings. In case of a fire, this protection not only covers your house but also all the belongings of the house. The furniture, clothing, electronics, wall art and jewelry.

Business Insurance
Business Commercial Insurance| Small Business Liability Insurance provides coverage to your business, similar to home insurance, but also protects businesses from incurring business interruptions. Business insurance coverage provides coverage to the property from fire, theft, vandalism, and natural disaster. It covers the business owners from liability claims, business services that may harm someone, legal expenses, medical bills, or lawsuits.
Business commercial insurance coverage covers the property and provides liability coverage. Business interruptions can have a huge impact on the business owner. This insurance covers your income and expenses such as payroll while your business has temporarily halted during repairs. Business insurance also covers your employees if injured at work.

Life Insurance
Life insurance an play a crucial part in your loved ones life and lifestyle. It will help them take care of immediate expenses such as burial and mortgage payments. It will help in covering daily living expenses and debt payments. Life insurance ensures that your loved ones are not affected by the burden of all the expenses and obligations. Life insurance offers peace of mind that your family will be taken care of financially and the proceeds are easily transferred to your heirs.

Wealth Strategy
Wealth Strategy starts with identifying the goal of the end result or outcome such as buying a home, starting a business, education savings, retirement, or just leaving a legacy for your heirs. Once the end outcome is established, next your current financial assessment will be reviewed to determine how to plan and set a strategy for income, expenses, risk tolerance, cash flow and investment portfolios.