We offer a comprehensive coverage solution designed for a variety of businesses to protect against losses associated with costly Workers Compensation claims.
Workers compensation premiums accounted for 51.2% of industry revenue this past year
Workers’ compensation insurance (also known as workman’s comp insurance) provides benefits to employees for work-related injuries or illnesses including medical care, wages from lost work time, and more. Workers’ compensation insurance covers a deceased worker’s family with a financial benefit as well. If a worker’s family decides to sue the company, it can also help cover the related legal fees.
Workers’ compensation insurance can help protect your business and employees in events such as these:
- An employee slips on ice, injures himself while walking up the stairs to the office, and requires an emergency room visit and weeks of recovery time.
- An employee injures her back lifting a box of printer paper and requires a doctor’s attention, medication and physical therapy.
- An employee returning to the office from visiting a client is injured in a car accident and requires hospitalization.
With workers’ compensation insurance, Our carriers will help pay for the medical expenses needed to treat these job-related injuries and illnesses. Workers’ compensation will also help employees keep their income while they take time off to recover from an injury.
When employees suffer a work-related injury or illness, Workers’ Compensation Insurance protection helps cover wages and medical benefits and gives them access to experienced, caring professionals at every step of their recovery.
We have programs designed to support companies, promote employee safety and well-being and help get personnel back to work as soon as reasonably possible; or if necessary, to other transitional work, and possibly training for new skills. If an employee can’t return to work, the coverage can provide a long-term benefit.
The advantages of workman’s comp insurance include:
- Preferred Medical Provider Network: Employees can tap into our nationwide network of more than one million providers experienced in treating workplace injuries.
- Prescription Drug Features: More than 65,000 participating pharmacies throughout the US are available to fill prescriptions, usually with no out-of-pocket expense to the injured worker. The convenience of mail order service is just a phone call or click away.
- Nursed Back to Health: Karstens Financial carriers provides highly experienced nurse case managers to help coordinate care and treatment along with physical, emotional and occupational therapies.
- Pay-as-You-Go Billing Solutions: Our pay-as-you-go workers’ compensation insurance billing solution bases premium payments on actual payroll, which can help you manage cash flow and reduce audit surprises.
How Much is Workman’s Comp Insurance?
In most states, the cost of Workman’s Comp insurance can vary between insurance companies as they compete for customers. Despite the variability, all insurance companies base Workers’ Compensation premiums on the amount of payroll an employer has as well as how dangerous the work is. Some larger employers will be impacted by their past claims experience with premium credits for low claim experience and increased premiums for those with more historical claims.
The cost of Workman’s Comp insurance is calculated based on a rate charged per $100 of payroll. Rates vary by state as well as based on the type of work employees are engaged in and the businesses claims history. Though many business-specific elements are factored into an actual premium calculation, this simple formula is the basis for determining the cost workers’ compensation premiums.
Workers’ Classification Code Rate X Experience Modification Number X (Payroll/$100) = Premium*
The Workers Classification Code rate is determined by the type of work performed by its employees and different types of work are charged different rates. States provide the basis for rates by classification code.
The Experience Modification is determined by the business’s insurance claims history and is calculated by the state bureau and shared between all insurance carriers. The average modification is 1.00; a good claims history may generate mods below 1.00 while a company with a history of claims may have a mod greater than 1.00.
The payroll figure is based on an estimate of annual payroll.
So even though getting a price for workers compensation from Karstens Financial is usually pretty easy! Work comp is pretty complex!